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Skilled visas allow migrants to fill skill shortages in Australia on temporary or permanent visas.

What is a skilled visa?

A skilled visa is a type of visa that is part of the ‘skilled stream’ of Australia’s migration program. Skilled visas are designed to attract migrants to fill skills shortages in Australia.

A skills shortage is where there are not enough Australian workers available and may affect certain occupations or certain regions of Australia.

Skilled visas can be temporary or permanent visas. Australian skilled visas include:

What are the Medium and Long-term Strategic Skills List (MLTSSL) and Short-term Skilled Occupation List (STSOL)?

The Medium and Long-term Strategic Skills List (MLTSSL) and Short-term Skilled Occupation List (STSOL) are both skilled occupation lists which include occupations that are in demand in Australia. It can be confusing to understand the differences between the two lists so here we will explain some of the key differences.

If your occupation is on the MLTSSL there are more Australian visa options available to you. The MLTSSL is used for:

If your occupation is on the STSOL then there are more limited visa options available to you, and you will generally have to find an employer or state to sponsor your application. It is also harder to obtain permanent residency if your occupation is on the STSOL. The STSOL is used for:

Are skilled visas temporary residence (TR) visas or permanent residency (PR) visas?

Skilled visas can be temporary residence (TR) or permanent residency (PR) visas and many of the skilled temporary residence visas have a pathway to permanent residency.

Generally, skilled migrants prefer to obtain a permanent visa from the outset and our migration lawyers will always advise you on the best pathway to permanent residency, whether you are eligible at the outset for PR or if you need to apply for a temporary visa first.

If you have questions about skilled visas, how to apply or eligibility requirements, book a free 10 minute consultation with one of our immigration lawyers. 

An experienced migration lawyer can make all the difference when you need.

Related Resources

Skills in Demand visa

Significant changes are coming in the next year! As often happens with the ever-changing migration law sector, further changes have been announced which are set to shake up the Australian migration skilled worker program.

Visa grant – Skilled Nominated Visa (subclass 190)

We are celebrating a subclass 190 visa grant for a Victorian based client in the occupation of Systems Analyst. Congratulations to Nubil Ahamadon for your terrific work on this matter!

Must Arrive Before Dates – Information for Skilled Visa Holders Outside Australia

If your visa is granted to you whilst you are outside of Australia, the Department of Home Affairs (the Department) will provide you with a date called a ‘Must arrive before date’ on your visa grant notice.