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Recent Blogs and Case Studies

Australian visa options for USA citizens

Are you a citizen of the USA looking at migrating to Australia? There are several different visa pathways commonly used by US citizens looking to move to Australia permanent.

What is the Genuine Temporary Entrant requirement?

The Genuine Temporary Entrant requirement (also referred to as “GTE”) refers to the requirement that a person applying for a temporary visa is considered a visitor or a genuine temporary entrant to Australia.

10 May 2024 changes to Australian student visas

An increase to the financial capacity requirement for Student and Student Guardian visas will be effective from 10 May 2024.

The subclass 482 ‘Genuine Position Requirement’

Demonstrating that a position for which you are nominating a foreign worker is 'genuine' can be a particularly tricky requirement to meet under the subclass 482 Temporary Skill Shortage visa program.

What is the Australian Market Salary Rate?

If you are a business looking to nominate a prospective foreign employee, one of the requirements that you will have to meet is the determination of the position’s Annual Market Salary Rate (AMSR).

Labour Market Testing

If you are thinking about nominating a foreign employee under the subclass 482 Temporary Skill Shortage visa program, a requirement that you will have to meet as part of the Nomination application is that you have undertaken a step called...

Firm News

Jade Kurzke recognised as a finalist in the Women in Law Awards

Congratulations to our Operations Manager, Jade Kurzke, for being recognised as a finalist in the Legal Operations Professional of the Year category as part of the Lawyers Weekly Women in Law Awards! The Women in Law Awards is the benchmark...

WLW Migration Lawyers recognised as a finalist in the Boutique Law Firm and Pro Bono Program of the Year awards

We are very happy to be named as finalists in both the Boutique Law Firm of the Year and the Pro Bono Program of the Year awards as part of the Lawyers Weekly Australian Law Awards!

James Wardlaw wins Migration Partner of the Year Award

Congratulations to James Wardlaw for winning the Migration division of the Lawyers Weekly Partner of the Year Awards for 2024!