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Applying for Australian Citizenship

Australian Citizenship offers important rights and privileges for those with permanent residency.

What can I expect on the Australian Citizenship Test?

As a part of the process for Australian citizenship by conferral, you may need to have an interview and sit the citizenship test. The test assesses your English language skills and what you know about Australia and Australian citizenship. The test consists of 20 multiple choice questions and you will be tested on your knowledge of: 

  • Australia and its people
  • Australia’s democratic beliefs, rights and liberties, and
  • The Government and the law in Australia

You need to pass the Australian citizenship test to show that you have:

  • a basic knowledge of the English language
  • an understanding of what it means to become an Australian citizen
  • an adequate knowledge of Australia and the responsibilities and privileges of citizenship

If you are applying for Australian citizenship by conferral, certain exemptions may apply.

What are the Australian Citizenship requirements?

Generally, those over the age of 18 who apply for Australian citizenship must:

  • be a permanent resident, or eligible New Zealand citizen, at the time of application and also at time of decision
  • satisfy the residence requirement:
    • have been living in Australia on a valid visa for four years immediately before applying for Australian citizenship
    • be the holder of a permanent residence visa for the past 12 months
    • Not be absent from Australian for more than 12 months in past 4 years
    • Not be absent from Australia for more than 3 months in the past 12 months
  • Sit and pass the Australian citizenship test (minimum score of 75%)
  • Meet the English language requirement
    • You will need to have basic knowledge of the English language to become an Australian citizen
    • If you score 75% of more on the citizenship test, you would satisfy this criteria
  • be likely to reside, or to continue to reside, in Australia or to maintain a close and continuing link with Australia
  • be of good character

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Related Resources

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