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Community Support Program

The Community Support Program allows Australian businesses and individuals to assist someone in need begin their new life in Australia.

What is a Community Support Program

The Community Support Program (CSP) is a program that enables people and businesses in Australia to assist someone in humanitarian need begin their new life in Australia after their arrival.

Through the Community Support Program, you can be matched with a person in need and assist them find employment, provide skills/training or provide financial support.

There is a limited number of visas every year which form part of the government’s Refugee and Humanitarian program. Those aged between 18 and 50, with functional English skills, an offer of employment and from a resettlement priority country will be prioritised.

How can I get involved with a Community Support Program

Australian businesses can become an ‘Australian supporter’ if they possess an ABN and a genuine position available within the business.

Businesses can get involved in the CSP by:

  • Suggesting an eligible CSP applicant and making them a job offer
  • Seeking assistance to be matched with an applicant
  • Employing a CSP visa holder once they arrive in Australia

Australian community organisations, families and individuals can become an ‘Australian supporter’ by:

  • Suggesting an eligible CSP applicant
  • Seeking assistance to be matched with an applicant
  • Working with an Australian business to assist an applicant gain employment
  • Providing goods, service or financial support

How can I access a Community Support Program

To be eligible to apply for the CSP you must:

  • Be outside of your home county and outside of Australia
  • Be subject to significant discrimination in your home country
  • Satisfy all Global Special Humanitarian visa (subclass 202) criteria
  • Be aged between 18 and 50
  • Have adequate English skills to be demonstrated in an interview
  • Have a valid job offer or skills to obtain a job

If you are eligible, you must work with an Approved Proposing Organisation (APO) who will assist you lodge your application and ensure your settlement in Australia.

To learn about accessing the services offered by a Community Support Program or supporting your local Community Support Program, book a free 10 minute consultation with one of our immigration lawyers online now.

An experienced migration lawyer can make all the difference when you need.

Latest Resources

10 May 2024 changes to Australian student visas

An increase to the financial capacity requirement for Student and Student Guardian visas will be effective from 10 May 2024.

The subclass 482 ‘Genuine Position Requirement’

Demonstrating that a position for which you are nominating a foreign worker is 'genuine' can be a particularly tricky requirement to meet under the subclass 482 Temporary Skill Shortage visa program.

What is the Australian Market Salary Rate?

If you are a business looking to nominate a prospective foreign employee, one of the requirements that you will have to meet is the determination of the position’s Annual Market Salary Rate (AMSR).