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Labour Market Testing changes

12 December 2023

As of 11 December 2023 the Federal Government has streamlined Labour Market Testing requirements for businesses looking to sponsor migrant workers, making the process easier for prospective business sponsors.

Standard Business Sponsors will no longer need to advertise on Workforce Australia to satisfy Labour Market Testing requirements. Instead, employers will now only need to place two advertisements for a period of 4 continuous weeks on one or more of the following platforms:

  • A recruitment website with national reach in Australia;
  • Print media with national reach in Australia;
  • Radio with national reach in Australia; or
  • If the approved sponsor is an accredited sponsor – the approved sponsor’s website.

Businesses looking to sponsor a worker to fill a critical skill gap in their organisations can make a booking here to speak with one of our migration lawyers for a free 10 minute call or a consultation to discuss these changes.

We note further announcements were made on 11 December 2023 that will affect future applications but these announcements have not been made into law. 

An experienced migration lawyer can make all the difference when you need.